Instagram is a social media platform. On this app, people can share photos, videos, and stories and connect better with their friends via the usage of media. Instagram, however, is very restrictive in its features. Keeping that in mind, some developers have come up with popular Instagram mods which are developed to give you more out of your Instagram.
These mods have been developed by different organizations, and each has different features and characteristics. One thing is a commonality among them, it is that they aim at improving/enhancing the Instagram experience for the users. In this article of Instagram mod, we’ll be sharing everything related to Instagram, its features, problems along with showing why Instagram mods are better than official Instagram.
What is Instagram?
Instagram, being a free social networking platform, is widely popular among the social media users for its amazing features and ability to share content such as videos, images and also for making socialization easy and absolute fun. It is loved by all who like to share their moments of lives with their friends and family. The best part of Instagram is, it is always changing and comes with creative filters to make your image or video more appealing. That being said, Instagram is constantly adding new features to its older versions to give its users, simply, the best experience on its platform. Now you may be wondering what exactly makes Instagram stand out from the crowd. As mentioned earlier, Instagram is all about sharing visual content and some texts here and there as captions or in the stories. It is obvious that in a page full of text and pictures, your eyes will first wander to the pictures and then to the text. Instagram speaks with images, this is how it attracts its users – an eye’s bliss.
This is also a best solution for advertisers to showcase their products, since it has billions of users worldwide who may be interested in their products. The feature, that enables the image to show its price tag and other information when tapped on, proves quite fascinating and useful for ecommerce businesses. Coming back to socialising and connecting with friends, Instagram has got the best features to help you share better.
Features of Instagram
Stories- Just like WhatsApp statuses that disappear after a certain amount of time, Instagram has got that in the form of stories with cooler features such as filters for your selfies and more Instamod. Users can share their moments such as current-happenings or about their new posts, etc, which don’t make it to users’ feeds.
Countdown timer is another feature in stories to share. This can come in handy when you want to announce an upcoming event or to remind your followers of the expiring limited time to enrol to something.
You can also post questions, polls, hashtags, etc on your stories. Hashtags is one way of categorising content. People can simply follow hashtags of their particular interests to get more of it in their feeds and stories. It is one way of grouping videos and images.
Feeds- Feed is the area of your Instagram where you can see posts and share posts to connect with your followers and those you follow.